15 Most Powerful Military Uniforms In The World in 2022

 in every area of our human lives new

technologies are being used to improve

how we do things within the shortest

possible time

the military is definitely not being

left out of these technological


with modern weapons like submarines

tanks rifles

and aircrafts greatly increasing the

chances of winning a war

but what is the single most important

gadget a soldier can use

for his or her protection the answer is

certainly they're uniforms

so today we are going to look at some of

the coolest

most powerful and futuristic military

uniforms around the world

let me give you 60 seconds to deal with

it yes sir

cool this video aims to give you a sneak

peek of how the soldiers will look like

welcome to another episode of

forevergreen and this time

we will be taking you through a list of

the most advanced most sophisticated

military uniform

number one will definitely blow your

mind stick around

we've put together the most breathtaking

and futuristic battle suits in the world

some of which are

future force warrior ffw

the united states has long been regarded

as one of the pioneers of warfare and

weaponry advancement

and the future force warrior is one of

their many military projects

the future force warrior is a project

being carried out by the united states

military department

which is also part of the future combat

system project a principal modernization

program initiated in 2003 the suit will

have four basic components which are

the helmet liquid body armor warrior

physiological monitoring system

and an exoskeleton all of which combines

to create a uniform that protects

informs and enhances the abilities of

anyone who wears it

the ffw goal is to create lightweight


and impact resistant battle suits with

the help of some technologies like

nanotechnology powered exoskeletons

and magnatoriologic fluid-based systems

main focus in science and technology is

to reduce the

physical burden imposed on soldiers now

let's take a closer look at the features

of each of the components

the helmet will have a voice activated

drop down screen that provides

information to the soldier without

putting down his or her weapon

embedded in a pair of transparent

glasses the display will appear to the

soldier as a 17-inch screen

quite awesome right the screen will also

display maps

real-time video provided by a forward

position team of scouts

satellites or aircraft the surrounding

or fellow soldiers aren't the only

things future warriors will know more

but they will know more about their own

physiological condition the

physiological subsystem of the suit

lies against the soldier's skin it

contains sensors that monitor the

soldier's core body temperature

heart rate skin temperature standing or

sitting position

and hydration levels the ffw will also

have a 360 degree awareness and voice

amplification feature

which will allow soldiers to detect

other soldiers in front of them

up to a few kilometers away focus in on

a particular sound

and amplify it among other things the

suit will be powered by a 2 to 20 watts

micro turbine generator fueled by a

liquid hydrocarbon

10 ounces of this liquid hydrocarbon

will be able to power the soldier's

uniform for 6 days

non-stop this futuristic suit will

feature a new breed of armor

made from magnetorogical fluids mr also

known as liquid body armor

which will become hard as a rock at the

push of a button by the soldier

the suit will also feature an

exoskeleton which when combined with the

nanobots on the suit

will give the soldiers 300 more power

the new

ffw suit will take human performance to

unparalleled levels

picture a platoon of soldiers wearing

suits that turns a regular person into a

real-life superhero


the lockheed martin's onyx is an

exoskeleton system

worn around the legs to improve the

strength endurance and protect the wear

from strain injury

the exoskeleton is basically a robotic

motorized knee brace

onyx has been proven to increase

mobility and reduce the fatigue of its


it simply reduces the amount of effort

put into movement such as walking

climbing or lifting a heavy object off

the ground

how is this even possible you might

wonder well onyx conforms to the human


and the sensors distributed on the

exoskeleton reports direction

speed and the angle of movement to a

computer embedded in the exoskeleton

which in turn drives electromechanical

actuators at the knees

the exoskeleton provides the right

amount of torque at the right time

to assist knee flexion and extension the

exoskeleton is powered by a battery

that powers it for eight hours straight

without recharging

so i think when this is used in

operations it keeps our troops safer


it makes them stronger and improves

endurance the goal is to ultimately

reduce the energy needed to cross

terrain kneel squat or jump

its effect is most notable when

ascending or descending stairs

or navigating inclined surfaces such as

the afghan mountainsides and urban


in conjunction with lockheed martin the

us army is working around the clock to

get these exoskeletons ready for use for

their foot soldiers

to go the extra mile while carrying

mission essential equipment

and still have the freshness to

accomplish their missions

ratnik 3

united states military counterparts

russia are also developing a supersuit

of their own

at the university of science and

technology in moscow called the ratnik 3

with ratnik literally meaning warrior in


the futuristic ratnik 3 combat suit

contains an array of armor

and protective pieces from head to toe

it also features a lower body titanium


built to give the soldier more stamina

and strength the helmet's screen

displays medical

reconnaissance target identifying and a

host of other information

it also comes with a watch although it

is unclear if all the powers and

capabilities claimed by russia

can operate efficiently and effectively

in the retinic 3.

the exoskeleton is proven to be

bulletproof explosion proof

and fireproof by tests completed by the

developers at the central research


now let's take a closer look at its

functionality the helmet

which is probably the most crucial part

of the ratnik 3 is its display hub for

most of the technology

the helmet is being designed to be as

light as possible to support and not

overstress the soldier's neck

the rest of the headgear is a mask and

eyewear that is reinforced for less

intense combat

the protective eyeglass is the display

screen that houses thermal imaging

reconnaissance health data internal and

external temperature

target information and biological data

inside of the helmet

there's also a breathing apparatus the

arms of the suit

are the least technologically advanced

and for good reason

too much gear will weigh the soldier's

arms down and reduces effectiveness

the only thing equipped on the arms is a

nuclear blast proof watch

and shrapnel protection the watch is

practically indestructible and possesses

a self-winding mechanism that will keep

it accurate at all times

even in poor weather or combat the torso

is where the protection phase of the

project comes in

a newly developed fabric makes the

soldier invisible to infrared imaging by

containing all the heat inside the suit

the proven and tested fully bulletproof

vest protects much of the torso

with the underarm and bottom of the

belly being the only weak links

the vest of the torso and its fabric are

also flame and water resistant

they can function in very extreme

weather conditions between -22 degrees

to 122 degrees fahrenheit the boots up

to the hips and around the waist

are made of a titanium framework which

will redistribute weight while walking

and running

the boot also houses the battery and it

happens to be land mine resistant and

flame proof

there's continuous development on the

suit's medical capacity in the future
0which will enable it to stop blood loss

due to injury until the arrival of

better medical treatment as well as

medical monitoring and healing features

once all the proposed additions are made

the ratnik 3 will be a machine in a

league of its own

future integrated soldier technology

the response of the united kingdom to

the development of high-powered military

uniforms by the united states

and russia is the project known as fist

future integrated soldier technology

fist is a project by the british army

which is aimed at enhancing the

infantry's combat effectiveness

in the 21st century part of the future
soldier project

thales a leading technology company was

awarded the contract in march 2003

the goal of the fist project is to

integrate a modular system of all


weapons and their sighting systems

radios that the individual soldier uses

or carries

with the aim of increasing their overall

effectiveness on the battlefield

drop the phone drop the phone get your

hands up get down on the ground get down

on the ground

the development of the project started

in 1994

and as of 2015 it was already being

implemented in the british army

more than 30 000 battle suits have been

designed and delivered to her majesty's


unlike american and russian suits the

future british soldier suits emphasis

is placed on the electronics a target

locator map system
effective rangefinders electrical and

optical converters

all these tools are aimed to help the

soldier get the fullest information

about his or her surroundings

and because the electric modules are

numerous in the suit the new generation

batteries will be an important part of

the uniforms

although small the battery has a storage

capacity that can power the suit for

many hours uninterruptedly

however the intention of the british

army is not to equip every soldier on

the battlefield with fist

but to unit commanders so they can be

tailored to the situation

and mission aims felon

felon fantasin uh equipment at liaisons

integris which when translated to

english means

integrated infantry man equipment and


is the name for the french infantry

combat system developed by safran


and defense a french company

specializing in optronics

avionics electronic systems as well as

software for military and civil


phelan is an integrated suit of

ultra-modern equipment

that addresses all operational

requirements communications

protection mobility autonomy observation

command and weapon use saffron has also

developed the sitcom day

system the informacion terminale the


debark a sort of laptop for the platoon


which can display his men's position in

the photos they send him

using this touch tablet he receives

instructions from command units

gives orders and writes reports the
system combines a modified famous the

french military service rifle with loads

of other electronics
pouches clothing and body armor it is

the first real integrated system for

dismounted warriors

with several innovative solutions that

optimize the infantry soldiers


and decision making abilities the

feel-in system has

cool features such as combat gear weapon

and scope

eyepiece for around the corner sighting

communication system

multifunctional binoculars and terminal

information system

making it ideal for airborne use urban


jungle and mountain environments the

system concentrates on the soldier's

essential functions

the scope enables night attacks within

weapon range and each soldier has his

own radio

the rif individual network using a

processing unit connected to a small

screen no larger than a pda

the soldier controls image transmissions
energy source

and the interface between all components

and radio links

he is also equipped with an osteoporotic

headband that transmits sounds via


enabling him to communicate while still

listening to his surroundings

of course the radio features a gps

receiver which periodically indicates

his position to command units

another important feature of the feline

suit is its sweat removing mechanism

the comfort oriented combat gear is

light strong

practical and ample for greater wear and

comfort it also enhances safety by

reducing the soldier's thermal and

visual signature

other advantages include its modular

ballistic protection and fire resistance

adapted to each mission thanks to the

around the corner sighting eyepiece on

the helmet

the wearer can observe without exposing

themselves to enemy fire

they can see their weapon's line of

sight remotely and when necessary

display the image from their weapon

scope on their computer

the french military has deployed this

system in mainland france and oversees

having received more than 20 000 units

of the feline system from the developers

the comfort

or future warfighter is the spanish

army's 21st century infantryman


built around a real-time command and

control system provided to every squad


the suit includes a portable monitor

that displays information

such as position and navigation and

situational awareness

the helmet which resembles a biker's

helmet has a mounted camera

and night sensor connected to the

firearm to allow for around-the-corner


its bulletproof vest is equipped with

top tech gadgets such as radios

telemeters batteries and an endurance


the suit also comes with a backpack

which is integrated into the bulletproof


the exciting features of the suit are
the fact that it is highly comfortable

and reduces infrared signature as well

as provide thermal stability

it has an electronic system that

provides key capabilities

such as positional awareness of the

soldier and his fellow squad members

and team position information the

comfort suit leverages the technology of

the german idz system

which was developed by eids the comfort


is expected to cost the spanish ministry

of defense 24.5 million euros

and the contract was awarded to eids

defense and security system spain

as far back as september 2006

combat also has a sweat outlet system a

desirable feature not found in the

american and russian military suits

the suit also incorporates a host of

other features such as mission planning

and other activities
voice and data communication with the

rest of squad members

squad leader and the leader of the

platoon geo reference sketches

drawings and pictures health monitoring

system and data logger for after action


tool features that have only been seen

in sci-fi movies about future wars

totally awesome idz es

for a country known for its

scrupulousness and technology it is

expected that the german military


are more interested in the safety and

protection of their soldiers

with little emphasis on comfort their

multi-purpose battle suit project has a
funny name

idz es the suit is very thick and rigid

providing the much needed protection

against firearms and strikes from blunt


the combat suit is flame proof and

designed to repel insects

just as the other projects we've talked

about in this video they lay emphasis on

the hybridization of the soldier in his


and it has the same high-tech navigation

tools which stands out about the future

german soldiers sue

is the portable mini computer which

combines commanding and navigation

this quite simply means when the soldier

is in the battlefield observing the


he sees the location of the friendly

forces location of hostiles

the dislocation of his partners as well

as the command of his or her chief

simultaneously on a screen

he or she even gets to see themselves on

an interactive map

which allows for a more coordinated

attack the armor itself has numerous


one of which protects from firearms and


contour exoskeleton

as you may have probably guessed the

chinese are not being left behind in the

development of advanced military


their supersuit project is focused more

on the mobility of the soldier

than the protection and automatic

information collection by means of

inbuilt electronics

their project which is a contour

exoskeleton isn't a suit

nor an armor it is the second exact

skeleton of the soldier

the device is worn over the regular

uniform and is attached to the back

knees and arms the single but impressive

function of this suit
is to give the soldier super strength

five miles an hour

i got this i can move it back and run

the suit works by reading the soldiers


and supports them with an effectiveness

ratio of five to one

which means the soldier is five times

stronger for example

during an experiment conducted the

soldier carried a weight of 100 pounds

along with a long distance without any

show of effort the suit provides

all-around improved mobility for the


carbon nanotubes

since the commencement of chemical and

biological warfare 100 years ago

militaries around the world realized

that the value of the military lie not

in the deadly effects of these deadly


but on the measures taken to protect the

frontline warriors

in a bid to counter these chemical

attacks the soldiers have been made to

put on protective gears

that add to the burden a soldier has to

carry take for example

the american troops deployed in the

middle east face the cruel challenges of

wearing full protective gear as they
1fight in highly unfavorable climates

against enemies believed to be equipped

with chemical warfare agents

they are obliged to dorn gas masks and

other protective gears that are


miserable to wear and so uncomfortable

the full protective gear against


and biological agents deprives the

soldier of fresh air

and in no time the wearer begins to

sweat worse still

there's no outlet for sweat or

evaporation of perspiration

which leads to a reduction in the

soldier's alertness and mental focus

after a long period the solution to this

is a protective gear that breathes a

gear that allows the flow of air

the evaporation of sweat most

importantly block chemical

and biological agents this is where a

technology regarded as a second skin

comes into play

dynamic multifunctional materials that

are fully integrated at the molecular


an innovation made possible by carbon


for long carbon has been recognized as

the building block of life

because of its ability to build larger

and more complex molecular structure

than any other element

carbon nanotubes are made up of

nanotubes which are basically nanoscale

pipes or hoses

according to ann m stark of lawrence

livermore national laboratory

carbon nanotubes can function as


which with the help of researchers is

being developed into fabrics

that will be 5 000 times smaller in

diameter than the human hai
it will provide means for air and water

to pass through but also block

biological agents

because of the compactness of this

deadly biological and chemical agents

they aren't able to penetrate the

ultrafine layer of the carbon nanotube


the best part of this invention is its

ability to be made into breathable

smart protective fabric which may cover

any fit of full body clothing

helmet and gloves eliminating the need

for bulky miserable protective gear

it's now time for today's subscriber


today's photo was sent to us by a

subscriber wondering about these

terrifying military suits

the suits no doubt look out of this

world stuff we only see in intergalactic

war movies

have you come across a mysterious photo

online and want us to look into it

just send it over and we may even

feature it in a future video

after carrying out our research we found

that one is a futuristic sci-fi armor

concept designed by russian concept


michael lomonosov while dynatech

industries dom lei

designed the other the next military

uniform you are about to see

is just as awesome as these two i think

it's way cooler

and the number one suit is tallows

say hello to the real life iron man suit

the tactical assault light operator suit

talos is the name of a robotic

exoskeleton being designed by the united

states special operations command

with the help of laboratories

universities and the technology industry

it is reported that the talos body armor

will be bulletproof

weaponized and have the ability to

monitor vitals and give the soldier

enhanced strength and view

although not meant for the entire squad

the suit will comprise layers of smart

materials and sensors

it will be worn only by lead operators

who would breach a door first to protect


as they are the most exposed of the team

in that situation

the suit will offer more than double the

protection offered by standard infantry

body armor from small firearms

it will also weigh 25 less than the

standard protective gear

the suit is fully bulletproof bomb blast


and surprisingly light to improve the

wearer's mobility and perspiration

it also comes with a helmet that has a

heads up display augmented reality

and a robust communication system the

helmet is equipped with a hyper-enabled

operator technology

which provides highly secured

communication links cloud-based


and augmented reality despite reports

that the initial deadline for the united

states special operations command to

deliver a prototype for the high-profile

tactical assault light operator suit was


the command's leadership is confident

that it will test a powered exoskeleton

in the nearest future they have the

money they need here

and all we do is bring the technology so

they can take a look at

and that's it for the most powerful and

advanced military uniforms in the world

what do you think about these military

uniforms and if you had a chance to try

any one of them out

which would you pick be sure to let us

know in the comments below

if you love this video you should

definitely check out other exciting

videos on our channel



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